Imagination inspires M&M Eugenics. Future sport?

Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately.
The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.
Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd.
Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes." This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms.
I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.
There can be only one.
-From the best of craigslist
Metropolis Suite I of IV: "The Chase" June 24th
A Little Bit of Change...
Please go to this link and vote for this Obama commercial contest at:
Bionic eyes implanted in blind patients - Telegraph
Imagination Inspires Nations
Independent Record Store Day!
Greetings all,
Come see JM for an intimate performance at Criminal Records tonight at 8pm as we celebrate Independent Record Store Day. Thanks to Criminal for supporting Suite I, we greatly appreciate it.
Criminal Records is in Little Five Points, Atlanta.
Also, thanks to everyone who came out and supported JM for the Atlanta Ballet production "Big". We have received great feedback from you all...thanks for your continued support!
To all the LA supporters, The W.A.S. will be there May 5th for a JM meet and greet and JM will be performing at the Key Club on May 6th. More details to come on the meet and greet. Tell a friend to tell a friend.
Till next time...
Me and the Tutu!
Things are moving, but I had to type quickly from my phone and Thank
You. Thank you so much for supporting me today, right now...
Thank you for supporting my music, my message, my dreams...
You play a huge role in my life and career.
Thank you for supporting the "big" ballet production at The Fox
Theatre (even those there in spirit) over the last 4 days. It was a
wonderful experience for me. I needed that energy. I have learned so
much. I feel better so much better knowing what I know...
I went into the production willing to give myself and take away
knowledge from the beautiful art form that is, ballet.
Singing and walking on my toes wasn't easy and in fact took lots of
time and practice. Choregraphy isn't apart of my normal routine on
stage, so learning how to adapt was also a challenge I wanted to take
I really hope someone was inspired...
Thank you Lauri (choreographer) for helping push my vision.
Thank you Big Boi!:) We had such a great time! Loved how you just
stormed in my dressing room!;) gracias Atlanta ballet dancers/artists,
it's such an honor to be near others with similar energy. I will be
pointing my toes even harder now!
To my tutu, I miss you and did not want to ever take you off! I love
ballet attire.
*My mom's in town so I need to go back to enjoying her warm love and
See you at Criminal Records for Record Store Day (April 19)! I will be
in "experimenting on stage" mode...
Janelle Monáe's Message to her supporters.
During recent years, you have followed me - Janelle Monáe - and my fellow Wondaland Arts Society members as we have embarked on an adventurous journey to bring people together through the power of art and music. This odyssey began because we at The Wondaland Arts Society set out to bond with true supporters, such as you, to build a space within the music industry where artists can paint new colors and create new sounds.
So first I would like to thank you all. Thank you for supporting Suite 1: The Chase. Thank you for supporting the idea of the suite. And thank you for supporting this message of hope and freedom. Because of your support we now have the opportunity to truly change things on a global scale through a unique partnership: a joint venture between my recording label, The Wondaland Arts Society and Bad Boy/Atlantic Records. In addition, Antwan 'Big Boi' Patton of Outkast will continue to serve as a collaborator and co-executive producer.
This venture is unprecedented: it will help the big embrace the power of the small. It will remind the world that creativity, imagination and beauty still matter. That people the world over have the same concerns: they love wonder. And they love a good story, a good melody, products that are put together with care and engineered to heal the soul. Simply put, this pact offers us a brand new way to make magic: we get to continue trying new ideas in a much bigger ocean. And we're more than excited about it.Our new partners and colleagues at Bad Boy/Atlantic Records are excited about this joint venture as well. They strongly support my message and music. They are also quite aware of my core values and understand that they must be maintained and upheld at all costs.
These values are driven by the many experiences that have shaped my life and story thus far, and I take them quite seriously. I am striving to be a great light to my community, and throughout this relationship I want to make you proud on a global level because I represent you, my true supporters, both locally and around the world. That said, there may be times when I disagree with some of the ideas of my partners, friends or supporters, but rest assured that my core values will not be broken or compromised. I will stick fast to these ideals and will not allow the divisive policies and ideas of the past to marginalize or further segregate music lovers and true supporters of my music.
I feel this movement is beyond independent or mainstream. Soul or rock. Black or white. Pompadour or perm. Saddle shoes or high heels. It's about altering history through a great new era of music and art.
With these important things in mind, I would now like to invite you to join The Chase- an official assembly of Janelle Monáe ambassadors. This assembly is important to me: you have been hand selected to join this group because over time you have supported me in many ways--perhaps buying a CD or T-shirt, attending a show and screaming from the front row, or educating others about what it means to be an alien from outer space. Again guys, thank you for your support. And I look forward to working with you as we make the future a safer place for androids. To join this official delegation, visit this link: http://www.janellemonae.com/theChase.htm. Until then my friend...
Let The Chase Begin!!!!!
Hello Janelle Monae,
A few of my campaign interns have introduced me to your art. I'm impressed by your soulful and futuristic style that interbreeds Sam Cooke with Judy Garland. I'm captivated by your astonishing gift to convey heavy issues with symbolic design. And, I find your message to be powerful yet fun. I wish nothing but the best for you. Continue to introduce us to all the Wondaland Art Society has to offer. Wishing you nothing but the best.
-Barack Obama

See Video Here:

That's all I can say about our latest NY trip. First let me thank all of the fans and supporters of JM and The W.A.S. for showing up to the Pep Rally on Wednesday and for making JM feel like she was at home on Thursday at The Blender Theater. You all were amazing! Thanks, thanks, thanks!
The show was great, if you missed it...you missed it. But you can see the pictures for the event at:
Till next time...
April 3rd 2008 is “GOOD PEOPLE DAY” Pass it on - my 2 minute take on life
Guess what today is...
Imagination Inspires Nations