Chasing Better Health...

High fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated soybean/olive/coconut oil (or any other oil that's hydrogenated for that matter) are two of the worst two things a human being could intake. Companies hydrogenate their products to to minimize the cost. Rather than use just plain oil they take the easy way out by using unnatural chemicals to expand the amount of oil that they are using. As a result the hydrogenation has been linked to the high rate of cancer in this country. Usually in the ingredients of a product you will find the term partially hydrogenated which is just as bad. Anytime you read partially anything it is a warning sign.
High fructose corn syrup is a cheap processed sugar. It's like crack sugar. They take regular corn syrup and chemically make it much sweeter so they can make mass amounts of sweetener at low costs. This process has been linked to the depletion of a human beings immune system. Lets put it this way, if you had a cold would you eat lots of sugar? Well imagine cracked out super sugar. This is totally unnecsaary. For example Hienz ketchup has high fructose corn syrup. Most bread companies use it as well. Bread! Wow!
The good news is we have a choice. In most quality grocery stores (Whole Foods) especially the ones in white or integrated neighborhoods you will find the organic/natural section. If you see these ingredients in the food that you buy simply walk to the natural section and you will find the same type of food without those deadly chemicals. It costs a little more but a doctor costs a lot more! And it tastes better without the chemicals.
Well, happy eating!
Oh yeah, I have to give Kellis KP Kellindo Kelli Kakes Parker a shout out for teching me the ropes of healthy food. I would not have my growing knowledge of food without his wisdom & care. And because of him I now have a healthy outlook on health & life.
"PERFECT!" (c)Kellis
lol…thanks for the info, Stanklin!
You end up sounding like chicken little trying to warn people about this stuff. I've worked at a fitness program for years and I used to have to do a workshop about deadly food ingredients. My Neighborhood in Seattle used to have no health food stores in sight. Now that it's been gentrified it has too many and they compete. Now in the south end, where most of the minority and might I add... Broke people live... You would be lucky to find a QFC. Nothing but corner stores with pig's feet in a greasy jar... mmmmmm. And of course people aren't educated on this stuff and they think that shit is REAL food.
It makes my smile to know that you all are heath conscience as well (even though I should have guessed)
Wondaland Really is a dream come true.
YO! be still my beating heart...Wonda Wealth, Health and Fitness! Kakes, I Bam Bam, KeKe and Koo Koo are having an effect...Next thing you know chicken will be off the menu.
Psyche your mind!! That ish ain't happenin'. But I'll be hornswaggled if this ain't a good start.
um, sorry bam, but i'm too Black. chicken will NEVER be off the menu. lololol
You're never too black to go veg...
[joking] :-)
Oh yeah, thanks Bam Bam,k I meant to thank you and KeKe also. We are going to work it out. We will eat better darn it! :)
uh huh...
Ya'll just make sure you do all of that before I get back.
I see you Sheffield's!!!
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