So I know some of you have been worried about Metropolis. Worried that Metropolis will become Chinese Democracy, devolve into creative chaos and other woes. Worried that Wondaland will screw it up. That we're going to create something that only a few Star Wars geeks can understand. Or let it become a black rock beast, you know, something you'd love at home with your afropunk friends but never hear on the radio. And then there's the biggest travesty of it all: What if it never comes out?
Well rest ye weary souls. Here's a little concrete information about the release to put your heart at ease.
- Metropolis will be released quarterly in four suites. Each suite will be a mini-album complete with collectible ephemera (stickers, posters, oh boy!). Each suite will be numbered and limited edition.
- The first single "Violet Stars Happy Hunting" will be released on June 1, 2007. The first suite of Metropolis (Suite I: The Chase) will be released on Auguest 1, 2007. Look for the first JM video to come your way in late July (more details on that later).
- The full album Metropolis will be released next year. The album will contain all kinds of goodies: bonus tracks, live tracks, videos, etc.
- In terms of major distribution, we've been in talks with a few majors here and overseas. We'll keep you posted how those thangs go. In case you haven't heard, there's a lot of problems in the music industry right now. Superstars can't buy a hit. And they just turned the historic Capitol building into condos. Getting a major record deal right now is a little like getting invited to a five course meal on the Titanic...
- The suites will be distributed through iTunes, Amazon, MySpace and BlabStar. If you don't have a BlabStar account, and if you've never heard of it, you know nothing about the future of music. And that is something to worry about.
- The album is the debut release of a new label that is a joint venture between Wondaland Productions and Big Boi. The name of this label is the Wondaland Arts Society. The WAS is the home of the Wonderground, a collective consisting of JM and Deep Cotton.
- In addition, the WAS will be collaborating with Purple Ribbon and the Atlanta Ballet Company to convert Metropolis into a rock opera/ballet. We are still putting the finals and particulars together. And we're beginning the creative process this summer. But the performances are already booked: April 10-13, 2008 at the Fox Theatre. So get ready to see JM on stage singing her heart out in the midst of twenty moonwalking androids!
Labels: Entertainment Industry Bullsh*t, Janelle Monae, Metropolis
It trips me out that there are serious major record lables know about you guys and see how rediculas of an epic colosal entertainer Janelle is and yet ya'll can't get these master pieces distributed! All they pump out is a bunch of glorified, regergitated artist that don't do anything for music. And if they refused to break some REAL acts in the future they will die off and music will have to start back @ square one again where it's more or less regional and performance based. THere is already a sort of underground railroad of artist that are opperating outside of the majors. And Ya'll are dealing with true supporters anyhow and not a bunch of brain drains.
Your supportes will be the one's buying the albums. THose major record lable jerk offs seem to have left out one major audiance...and that is music lovers!!!
Wondaland is gunna take over the MF'in World and I want a front row seat to veiw the carnage!
"Turmoil....Carnage....!" As Bjork would say!
You guys are the earth intruders... MARCH!
I'm really diggin the fact that you guys came up with the whole coming out with suites, it'll be real interesting....but yeah I seen this post before I believe it was in your I Am The Matrix blog chuck, tisk tisk at recycling posts lol....Just kidding this is valuable information and like the guy before me states I want to be there to see W.A.S reign supreme....Declare Independence!
aw thanks, man!
Now I know you're readin'!
But yeah, i've been threatened by certain members of the W.A.S. who want me to post important info in multiple places...
but it's important to know you're fining it!
that's the most important thang...
Sorry 'bout the typo in my previous post.
i do mean "finding."
Not "fining."
The Internet is a beautiful thang.
Man oh man, have you guys come a LONG way from this post! I've been a fan of the movement since 07 and I'm so glad to see how everything has turned out. Phenomenal job folks!
I had to come back to this post after watching the behind the scenes videos from iTunes and purchasing my physical copy of the album.
Patience is a virtue and it sure paid off!
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