How to Change the World in Three Minutes and 30 Seconds Flat

How to Change the World in Three Minutes and 30 Seconds Flat:
About Us:
We at Wondaland are inventors. We wear tuxedos everyday. We jump in pools during performances. We wear Civil War hats and rock vintage Jordans. We believe truth can be broken down with the following formula: Truth= Love x Imagination.
We believe songs are spaceships. We believe music is the weapon of the future. We believe books are stars.
We believe there are only three forms of music: good music, bad music and funk.
About Wondaland:

We have created our own state, our own republic. There is grass here. Grass sprouts from toilet seats, bookshelves, ceilings and floors. Grass makes us feel good. In this state, there are no laws, there is only music. Funk rules the spirit. And punk rules the courtrooms and marketplace. Period.
In this state, there is no food. We eat books and season them with wine and cotton candy. When you want the news, you read a comic book.
There is also Love. Sex. Wisdom. Magic and Wonder. These things add up to something new and ancient that we call WISM. WISM makes us feel good. Who needs drugs when you've got WISM?
About Gender:
We believe women are much smarter than men. And strive to act accordingly.
About Cities:
We have built several cities. We are always looking for a new city to live in. We have recently moved from Atlantis to Metropolis, a city of our own design. It's the largest city in the world, but you can only see it by closing your eyes.
About Technology
We are watching Steve Jobs the way Berry Gordy watched Henry Ford. We believe in Moore's Law, in time pacing, in micro-chunking, in nanofying, in monetizing, optimizing everything, and shipping products. We're like a cross between Guy Kawasaki and James Brown.
I seen Janelle Monae's performance on her MySpace page and i was mesmerized by her and the bands overwhelming energy. I came on this page to see what Wondaland was all about and after reading all the posts I can see this is a movement I will like to see. Keep it up, for GOOD music is still alive and your guys performance shows just that.
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