Loved, loved, loved my west coast experience. Stanford University and The Oakland Conservatory of Music people were so diverse, open minded, and FUN! They did not want to give me back my jacket that I so eagerly threw out into the audience though! Me and these impulses, I tell ya.
Off to guitar lessons with Kellindo, but before I chip my nails, I'd like to leave you with something.
There is a saying that goes, "Small people spend the majority of their time talking about other people (what they wear, what they look like, what they did, what they said), average people talk about events, and wiser people talk about ideas."
I had to ask myself these questions and I won't tell you now where I am, but hopefully you can see where I stand.
What are your thoughts about this quote, and honestly, where do you fit in?
sent from my iPhone.
I fall Just a shuffle above average. That sounds okay to me, "above average." But I think it's time for me to get wiser.
Where do I fit in? Hmmm…
Since I never seem to fit into any one category when it comes to this type of stuff, lemme break it down:
5% small person: I can't help it, but I think foolywang behavior/thought is permanently embedded in the truly negrodian portion of my DNA. lol
55% average person.
40% wise person: Thank God for my work; everyday it forces me to think about the bigger picture and overarching ideas. I'd love for it to be higher, but hey, I'm still young.
Well, I'd say it depends on the situation: Who I'm with, what I'm doing, etc... I could be anyone of those people. I think that's real, though, because no one is the same all the time and we all talk about others (positively or negatively) from time to time.
I'm taking guitar lessons right now too! Get ready for the sore fingers and callouses. :-/ Nevertheless, it's very gratifying.
Imagination is Wisdom. Imagination is truth.
What I find is that when we are serving our true purposes here, wisdom is something that comes with the territory. Like Kuh Reel yuh said... Thank goodness for the job the forces him to imagine.
It's a matter of people putting themselves in situations where they can be wise and can be at their full potential to have vision.
Perhaps these people are wise because they are purpose driven, thus ideas being the results of their wisdom.
I'm surrounded in a city of small people, I hangout with average folk, and I stay stuck on my ideas. But I have been all of these at one point in time and can be coerced to constant revisits at any given time.
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