The Fight For Paper Planes

There are those at the WAS that have a real hankering for M.I.A.--she's a crackerjack, a looker, a distinct sound on an otherwise blah soundscape... I'm not a fan club member, but I did buy the most recent album and I certainly appreciate her intent to shed light on some of the darkest corners of the Earth- the places the so-called 1st and 2nd World's would rather had no brightness, no electricity and no voice.
Anyhoo, my favorite record on the album is called 'Paper Planes.' You may know the child-like and sweet chorus, replete with gun shots and cash register rings. It seems, Ms. M.I.A. has been battling the powers that be over the video and she took to the blog-o-world to tell her truth directly to her fans and supporters...and haters too, i guess.
Big Ups to M.I.A. for giving an internationally heard rap, break-beat and a voice to the less advantaged folk on our planet and for fighting big brother (major industry) to hold on to her artistic vision as she intended it to be (gun shots included). We, at the WAS, most definitely respect that (not the gunshots per se, but her dedication to her aesthetic vision)!
One more thing: HER STYLE IS ILL...don't be shocked if you see me with sequined, tiger striped chucks. Come on Secret Santa!!
Enjoy the video as she intended and have a good booty wiggle...
I still ain't feeling MIA. Besides the fact that's she's very pretty.
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